Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nerdy Girl is starting to miss school

When I graduated from grad school, I had been to the edge of crazy land and decided I needed a break. For the first time in my life I was tired of school. I felt like I had had my fill. I was afraid I would never get back the love I once felt. That master's degree was very tough on me.

But, I am glad to say that I am starting to get a yen to take a class just for fun again. I don't have any particular classes in mind, but I can feel the desire to learn! Part of it is a reaction to the extreme stupidity that I am surrounded with at school all day. Don't get all alarmed that I am being insensitive to the kids, I am talking about the teachers.

Remember the teacher I talked about yesterday? Well the school I work in now has more than a few of people like him. There are teachers that don't even follow the dress code that the students are supposed to follow. Do you know how hard it is to enforce the dress code when the students can say, "well ms. So-and-so is wearing flip flops"? There are teachers that will look at me blankly when I try to explain something so simple that the kids behind them all get it.

I just don't get it. It's so frustrating it makes me wonder if I really want to become a teacher. Do I really want to join the ranks of a group of people that has the administration tearing its hair out? Nerdy Girl is having a crisis of ... er... nerdiness I guess.

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