I've said this before(on my other blog) and I'll probably say it again: I am a rule follower. Probably more so than most folks. Oh sure I drive above the speed limit and sometimes(ok most of the time) I've been known to do a California roll, but I always wear my seatbelt and I always signal. In most other areas of my life I have a possibly(in other people's opinions) less than healthy passion for rule following. Rules exist for a reason and, usually, I agree with the reasoning. Yes, sometimes it is irritating to follow the rules but, if I know and respect the reasoning, then I am more than happy to follow said rule.
The nurse that administers my allergy shots was very profuse in her thanks today when I simply complied with the rule that says I have to read and answer several questions before each shot to ensure that I don't die from anaphylactic shock or something instead of huffing and throwing a fit.
Seems like a good rule to me...keep me from dying? Sure, I'll play along.
On a side note....the spell check is telling me I spelled anaphylactic incorrectly, but I looked it up on dictionary.com and that is how it is spelled. Is it weird that that is driving me batty?
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
I did not realize that you blogged here and happy that I know this now. I am hoping to stop by more often and have 2 other friends (and most likely more) who blog great blogs as yours here too.
I am also who always follows the rules but sometimes I wish I could know when there are times the rules are not set in stone. Flexibility and deciding that some rules can be gray areas. Life is not always black and white.
My 8 year old son is an avid rule follower. When he was younger he saw the movie 2 Fast 2 Furious. There's a scene where the two guys are driving and giving each other the finger laughing. He had no idea it was bad. He was with his mother, and at a stop light he gave some dude the finger to say hi.
His mother called me screaming about letting him see the movie. I told her to just tell him it's bad. He's never done it since. I even tried to get him to flip one of my friends off we saw in town because it would be funny and he refused because it's bad.
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