Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nerdy Girl and the Crushes

I wouldn't exactly say that I am the boy crazy type...but I have had my fair share of crushes and amusing boy stories. I have a tendency to develop an intellectual crush on a guy and then sticking with it until it has become beyond pathetic. By "intellectual crush" I mean that I kind of decided I liked them based on certain criteria. It usually had no basis in a chemistry/passion sort of thing. I was a naive young thing and didn't know much about sex and attraction at all. Oh sure, I thought they were good looking, cute if you will, but it was more about the whole package.

Even the name was important. The name had to have a certain type of image to go along with the smarts, the good looks, whether they were nice or not, etc. I mean, when I had a crush on a cute, all-american type boy, his name was Brad. How perfect a name is that? And oh how well it fit with his last name too...and don't think I'm sharing that you stalker! Just kidding, I love you!

The main high school crush? That lasted all four years, even through the minor crushes on other boys through the years. I was dedicated. Of course I was the only one to see the real him and understand. Of course he never really saw me as anything but a classmate. Mostly because, as it turns out, he was gay. I guess I didn't really see the real him, huh?

I repeated the whole crazy thing in college too...Luckily that crush was only three years long. For a little while there I thought I was doomed to always fall for a closeted gay man. But, it seems my luck has changed. I'm pretty certain...I think...

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